Many traders encounter unexplainable problems and can not find solutions for troubleshooting with the NinjaTrader 8 NT8 Platform and charts, which can be prevented at the installation / re-installation phase.

Yes, that is so simple, and most skipp to follow these steps:

1) Check NinjaTrader Version:

Use the latest NinjaTrader version, or newer. Never use 8.2 versions.

2) Avoid Installation directory easy mistake 
A widespread error many people do and no one else is talking about:
Double-check folder installation a few times: 
- For some reason, Ninjatrader is often installed on OneDrive or some other Cloud folder
- Please delete any NinjaTrader files installed on your computer's OneDrive folder and the OneDrive in the cloud.
- Reinstall NinjaTrader to C: drive:
- Ensure your NinjaTrader folder is installed here: C:\Users\Yourusername1\Documents\NinjaTrader 8, not on OneDrive or any other cloud folder. 
- Open your User computer folder (Windows creates two User name folders on your computer like C:/Yourusername1  and also C:/Users/Public and C:/Users/Username3 ). Open each of those folders and ensure that NinjaTrader did not install Documents\NinjaTrader8 in those folders, except inside only one Username1 folder, which is your actual folder for your documents. 

3) Turn off Update function for apps and Window :  Remove, Deactivate, and uninstall:

I highly recommend on your trading computer with the NinjaTrader platform to remove any apps/ programs that may download or upload and upgrade files automatically:

- all and every Cloud services 
- all programs with automatic updates
- set your Windows update for a manual update
- all email programs
- all social networks such as Twitter/ x Facebook, Telegram, Discord, and all other networks
- Antivirus programs ( nothing to worry about on a computer that is used exclusively for the NinjaTrader platform)  

Windows: Remove, Deactivate, and uninstall:

4) What to do with existing NinjaTrader indicators, templates, cache, and other files:

For best practices, please follow the recommendations below:

1) Back up your NinjaTrader account

2) Uninstall all other 3rd party indicators possible. You may reinstall them later or restore them from backup or copy folders.

3) Clean up your database, cache, and temporary folders inside Documents/NinjaTrader8/

5) Multi-provider and Tick Repolay settings on the NinjaTrader platform:

  • Checkmark Multi-provider: Tools/ Options/General/ Properties: Checkmark Multi-provider
  • Checkmark Show Tick Replay: Tools/ Options/General/ Properties: Checkmark Show Tick Replay