Website Account Activation Steps:
If you can not log in to your account the first time, it is probably because you forgot to activate your web account right after making the $1 payment.
Follow the instructions below or contact the Administrator via the Discord channel to have this problem fixed manually. Please do as much as you can yourself before contacting any support.
Support: Oleg Mart, administrator of, is our Discord Community: . Support Hours are Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM Pacific (California) time zone.
Please open the email you used for registration and find an email from BestOrderFlow with the title Account Details. If this email is in your Primary folder, mark it with a Star.
If you can not find our emails in the Primary folder, keep looking in the Spam or All folders. Right-click on our email and select Not Spam. This email will be moved to your Primary folder. If this email is not moved to your Primary folder automatically, select it by right-clicking and mark it as Primary. Open that email and click on the activation link inside.
By having our email in your Primary folder, you will never miss updates for indicators and important emails regarding your subscription plans.
If your activation link is no longer valid (after 1 day), you have to send a private direct message to administrator Oleg Mart on the Discord community and request manual web account activation.
Discord Community:
Support hours may be limited to Pacific time zone 9:00 AM -18:00 PM Monday-Friday.